What to expect


In this course you'll experience energetic transmissions and learn how they can support your spiritual awakening. We will cover the concepts, receiving the rites, and using meditations and sacred ceremonies to strengthen the rites and integrate them into your life.

Each module will build on the last, and will have videos and transcripts to help you understand the material in whichever way you learn best. You'll receive the rites energetically through the natural law of non-locality and sacred time. This means that neither distance, nor time, will be a barrier to experiencing the sacredness of these shamanic transmissions that are downloaded into your energy field.

We are now in a time of great transformation, from climate change, to species extinctions, to technological revolutions. We have an opportunity to make a difference in the quality of human consciousness, not only now, but for SEVEN GENERATIONS to come.

Get ready to become a part of the evolution of the human spirit and discover the unlimited power of healing.


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